Italians Finally Feeling Embarrassed About Silvio Berlusconi

“Berlusconi has become a figure of fun. He comes across as an old fool at the mercy of these girls and their relatives who use him as a sort of cash machine.”
— Italian media and communications expert Klaus Davi explains why this Silvio Berlusconi prostitution scandal is worse than other Silvio Berlusconi prostitution scandals: people are laughing at him. And that’s the worst thing that can happen, because, “for most Italians being ‘fesso’ (stupid) is less forgivable than having a roving eye and being unfaithful.” In related news, meet Nichi Vendola, the gay, ex-communist poet who might replace the premier if the Italian left ever gets its act together (which, based on past performance, is unlikely).

Photo by Alessio85, from Flickr.