Important Medical Advancement Also Totally Disgusting

“There’s little doubt this treatment has an image problem. Feces, including important bowel flora, is transferred from a volunteer donor — screened to limit possible other infections — into the colon of the infected patient. The treatment can be administered by a colonoscope or an enema, or by the mouth or the nose.”
 — A terrible disease, the Clostridium difficile bug, can cause severe diarrhea, blood poisoning and lead to death, and has proven highly resistant to anti-biotics. But Sydney-based gastroenterologist Thomas Borody has developed an amazingly successful cure. And given the choice, most patients say, “Yes, please, put someone else’s poop inside me.” So this is a very good, important thing. Now excuse me, I will go vomit. (Maybe I should save it? In case that can be used to somehow help someone in need.)