Get Ready To Eat Some Bugs

“Bugs are high in protein, low in fat and efficient to cultivate — 10 kilograms (22 pounds) of feed yields six to eight kilograms of insect meat compared to one kilogram of beef, states the university’s research. Insects are abundant, produce less greenhouse gas and manure, and do not transfer any diseases, when eaten, that can mutate into a dangerous human form, say the researchers.”
 — I ate a grasshopper (or, as Marian Peters, secretary of the Dutch insect breeders association, Venik, would call it, “the caviar of insects”) at a sushi restaurant once. It was fried crispy and drenched in soy sauce. It didn’t taste bad, but about halfway through chewing, I was far too aware that there was a large bug in my mouth. I didn’t spit it out. But I never want to eat a grasshopper again, either. Unfortunately, according to science, I will probably have to.