Drink Rosé Whenever You Want

“Yet the prejudice — what else can one call it? — endures. In a Twitter post last week, Lockhart Steele, the founder of Eater.com and other Web sites, suggested that few excuses were acceptable for drinking rosé in January. Well, excuse me, Mr. Steele, you’ve obviously never tried a wine like Jean-Paul Brun’s 2009 Rosé d’ Folie, a minerally pink Beaujolais that I would drink any time of the year, especially if I had a plate of chicken roasted with garlic, rosemary and thyme.”
 — Times wine writer Eric Asimov strikes a blow for rosé equality while calling out the questionable taste and experience of some local foodblogger, whose unsophisticated palate and hidebound devotion to slavish cultural dicta is indicative of the conformity and ignorance exhibited by so many of our foodie elite these days.