This Friday: Awl Readers Drink Themselves Silly in NYC (New Venue!)

Alert! Code red! This coming Friday’s Awl reader’s party, a party thrown by readers for readers, also known as the Awl Hawliday Bawl, has a change of venue! We hope you will join us there. (Yes, you!) So the new venue for Friday, December 10, is the Ella Lounge, at 9 Avenue A, which is located, unsurprisingly, between 1st & 2nd streets. Why? Let us tell you!

In an ironic twist of fate (that is not actually ironic), the nonprofit outfit Transportation Alternatives was double booked for our previous party space! Hmm, where have I heard that name before? OH RIGHT! For much of the 90s, in exchange for a lowered rent from our East Village landlord, the nice boys (and I do mean boys, though that looks somewhat improved) of Transportation Alternatives were employed as the supers of my apartment building. Yes. You can imagine how well that went: a bunch of bike-crusading fellows were supposed to like, sweep the stairs and change lightbulbs and deal with the trash. Oh yeah. In any event, eventually they left. And SO WE MEET AGAIN.

In other news, next week’s party in Boston (AKA Cambridge) is still on track.