Something Something Lunar Eclipse

We weren’t able to blow it up, but at least the moon — that crap-ass satellite that wastes valuable space in the sky and brings irritability and outright craziness everywhere it goes (THAT’S RIGHT, MOON, I AM CALLING YOU OUT! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? OH, JUST SIT THERE SILENTLY IN THE COSMOS LIKE THE BIG DUMB HUNK OF ROCK THAT YOU ARE? I THOUGHT SO. FUCK YOU, MOON!) — will experience a lunar eclipse tonight, so for a very short period of time (at approximately 2:41 a.m., they say) we can pretend that it doesn’t exist. It is absolutely worth setting your alarm so that you can get out of bed, look at the sky and have the brief, wonderful sensation of moonlessness. EAT MY ASS, MOON.