Robots Are Eating Your Jobs

Who’s to blame for persistent unemployment during this jobless recovery? Robots, says Edward Leamer, director of the UCLA Anderson School of Business.

If you have nothing to offer the job market that cannot be supplied better and cheaper by Robots, Far-away Foreigners, Recent Immigrants or Microprocessors, expect it to be exceedingly difficult to find the job to which you aspire, and plan on doing low-wage service work at the end of a long and painful road of diminished aspirations, no matter what your diploma may suggest.

Dr. Leamer predicts that the only jobs left for those of us who are not made of metal will be in the fields of “repair and maintenance, personal and laundry services, religious, grant-making, civic, professional and other organizations” That all sounds pretty grim. But I’m sure they will also need people to clean the robots, right? Fix their robot arms when they fall off? Maybe we should look into that as a future career.