We Will Be Liveblogging The American Music Awards This Weekend!

The American Music Awards are simultaneously the silliest and the most honest music-related gala. Nominees are based on things like Soundscan numbers and online streams instead of trifles like artistic intent or legend status, and the winners are dubbed “favorites,” not “bests.” Yet there’s an air of seriousness about it that you’d never see at, say, MTV’s Video Music Awards, one that will be ever more present this year as the Black Eyed Peas bring us their latest wedding-floor-filler “The Time (Dirty Bit)” live for the first time on TV and Train play That Train Song You Hear Everywhere one more time. Which is to say, come back Sunday at 8 pm eastern for a good old-fashioned liveblog of the show by me! And pray, pray that Kanye shows up.