Mike Bloomberg Could Be the Next Sarah Palin

"What did you say about the smoking ban, bird? I can't hear you!"

“Bloomberg LP… has poured millions into a new media enterprise in Washington, a Web site called Bloomberg Government. The site is run by Kevin Sheekey, Bloomberg’s charming and youthful version of Karl Rove, who has surreptitiously crafted each Bloomberg for President boomlet. (Bloomberg once gave Sheekey, a onetime chief of staff for the late senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, business cards that read ‘Kevin Sheekey, Covert Operations.’)…. According to a senior White House official, there is a sense within the administration that they need to be mindful of the mayor and reach out to him when possible to work on issues he cares about. Other officials say they think the mayor’s political aides are more interested in a candidacy than Bloomberg himself is.”
 — The latest thinking on Mike Bloomberg as Presidential candidate: his machine wants the White House way more than he does. So after the hazy days of mayoring, why would he even need a portfolio? With money, influence and access, he can operate just fine from the office of his private plane.