"It's Time To Put Politics Aside" And Do Bloomberg's Bidding

“Department of Education spokeswoman Natalie Ravitz wouldn’t comment on the legal questions raised by the parents and politicians, but said, ‘It’s time to put politics aside and recognize that it’s in all our kids’ interest for Cathie Black to succeed as our next Chancellor.’”
— Natalie Ravitz! You are really being grotesque while doing your job! That is the least enlightening, most inexplicably insulting, most negative positioning you could possibly establish for the Department of Education’s defense of Cathie Black. Somehow this statement manages to be simultaneously outrageous, dismissive, obscuring and just plain dim. Most likely you are being praised over a lunch right now though. But honestly? Dismissing objections to the heavy-handed installation of Cathie Black as NYC schools honcho as POLITICS? When the appointment itself is a not-really obscured bit of politics? (One that is intended to move the public education system closer towards privatization?) I know you probably learned this successfully climbing the ladder in Barbara Boxer’s office but, honestly, when working in New York City administration, try not to use absurd election-year misdirection tactics (as has become your habit). It’s gross, hostile and divisive.