Why We Drink

"What's that, delicious glass of whiskey? You want me to drink you? Me? You say I've earned it? That after a hard week I deserve your calming embrace, your sweet welcoming promise of relaxation? Well, okay, if you insist. But just the one."

“Socialising with alcohol is fun and we should not pretend otherwise. We also shouldn’t fool ourselves into thinking that young adults won’t eventually discover this and want to do it themselves. There is a reason why a taste for alcohol is not specific to a single demographic in society; why it is not something we ‘grow out of’ and why, no matter how many times the NHS warns of it detrimental effects, we won’t stop drinking the stuff. That’s because chatting with friends over a pint or a bottle of wine is an enjoyable cultural tradition: the fuel of conversation, intimacy and the exchange of ideas.”
-My new hero Suzy Dean makes some very sensible remarks about alcohol.