The State Of The Union As Told Through Three Local News Clips

What’s going on in America these days? Let’s look at three different stories which, taken together, provide a snapshot of our country in an era of economic difficulty and political upheaval.

First, a warning to parents that letting their children wear overly tight latex products on their skin for an extended period of time may result in injury.

Next, the face of Jesus appears in a woman’s MRI.

Finally, two mothers in Pennsylvania arranged a fight between their daughters. So enthusiastic were the moms that they themselves began to engage in fisticuffs. The story ends on this note: “The incident was all captured on cell phone video and apparently was to be posted online.”

And that’s where we are right now, in October of 2010. And that is without even bringing up “LARGEST ALLIGATOR EVER KILLED IN ARKANSAS HISTORY.” If we somehow survive long enough that you are able to tell your grandchildren how you lived in such an age they will refuse to believe it.