SPONSORED POST: Favorite Places In New York Sponsored By The New Kia Sportage


Now that the temperature is finally catching up to the season, it’s the perfect time for the great cold weather meal that is ramen.

If you’re one of those sad cases who only thinks of ramen as some sort of pre-packaged nonsense that you boil for a minute or two along with a powdered soup, I hope sophomore year is going well for you so far. But also, you should go check out the Minca in the East Village. Minca makes amazing noodles. Even better: the base for most of the soups is a pork broth that stews all day in two huge barrels that you can see in the back of the kitchen. The namesake Minca ramen is great, as is the Tsukemen (but that’s more of a hot weather ramen without the warm, delicious pork broth, so hold off on that one for now). In case you don’t believe me, click here.

This content series is brought to you by the All-New 2011 Kia Sportage. Welcome to the Next Level.