"Someone Cut My Toe Off": Overheard at the Social Security Office Today

by Anonymous


8788? 8688? I didn’t hear the other number. Probably because I was talking. Ha ha ha ha.

I told them that. They said just use that. It didn’t matter. But it does matter.

Someone punched me in the mouth. I tasted the blood. It gave me booger snot. Is that what it did? And then I could breath. Or I thought I was breathing OK. Ha ha ha ha.

I didn’t want to live there either. Or I didn’t know what. So I left. See.

Whatever people they put me with, I didn’t know there was two sides to every town, and I can’t tell the difference. I don’t get along with people. I keep getting beat.

I slept too much. I told you, they made me think something. Ha ha ha. That was last year. December of last year. And I left in January. Or they made me sleep too much, so I left. Or I need to eat more food. Though it will make that swell worse.

How could I? In all my life I’d only taken antibiotics like seven times. For like two weeks. I am like 55 now. After some people have been forcing me to take stuff. I tried to go buy beer. It tastes like NA beer. It tasted like it does not have alcohol in it. That was like 2005. This year is 2010? Or is it 2009?

It will be what time? I already know it will close out before I have to get there.

Someone cut my toe off, and they put it back together, only bigger. Then they did the same thing to the other one. Someone took my feet and went “zzcxck” and knots are starting to form there. I thought someone stuck knots there. It’s been making me walk more. I don’t want to. It hurts more.

You should tell all these people that doesn’t necessarily mean… Pugh ahhh. Oh boy. I have bad headaches.

You know what I don’t want? They stuck plastic in my brain. They squashed my brain and flattened it, then put plastic over it.

My blood doesn’t go in the direction it usually goes. I don’t have air. That’s from — they’re out there — their IVs.

A78 A68. A78. Ha ha ha ha.

Anonymous really needed a Social Security card. Photo by Solo from Flickr.