Germany: America Still Being Stupid, Even Though Stupid George Bush Is Not President Anymore

foreign affairs

“What the US broadcaster Fox News and other media are putting out to the world as allegedly concrete warnings is negligent and damaging, and the substance is ridiculous. Of course, in Berlin if one wanted to conduct an attack, one wouldn’t target a snack bar, but rather the Hotel Adlon, the TV Tower, and the central train station. And maybe a couple of other places, that anyone who knows the city a little would think of… The warnings, whose origins and explosiveness have not been proven, reminds one of the terror panic caused by the Bush administration, who, almost on a weekly basis, would raise and lower the alarm levels at their pleasure, accompanied by a great fuss in the media. That’s how you keep the population afraid and legitimize a foreign war.”
An editorial about this week’s terror warnings in the German newspaper Die Tageszeitung (as helpfully translated by Der Spiegel

) gives one indication of how we look to the rest of the world.