A Week of Hysteria Crashes Hard

We investigated lady-related scifi visions of the future that may or may not work out.

We checked in with “Boardwalk Empire” at its halfway point.

We looked, with great yearning, toward what would come after this bloody horrid election.

We followed a spectacular contestant in the Apollo’s famous amateur competition.

We got a smartass baby sister to go along with our joke- and poop-obsessed younger brother.

Of course the award for most-commented-upon post of the week goes to a conversation about political candidate Christine O’Donnell.

Hey! So let’s meet back here on Monday to count how many children we’ve each stolen on Sunday night and how much sanity you’ve accumulated by your big march on Washington. (For those staying home, pro tip: pretty much everyone reports that you shouldn’t miss “Walking Dead” on Sunday night, if you’re into TV about zombies, which, you are.)