Oprah Picks Franzen (Again)

Q. What Isn't Free But Professes To Be?

Those of you who thought that Oprah Winfrey would celebrate her final year by extending the Olive Branch Of Harpo Productions in the direction of former book-club-scorner Jonathan Franzen can pat yourselves on the back: The Big O has decided to pick Franzen’s much-discussed tome Freedom as her final Oprah’s Book Club selection. The announcement will reportedly take place on tomorrow’s episode, so be sure to bookmark the Faces Of The Last Season Of Oprah Tumblr before then.

Never one to let a potential Franzen-related Twitter trendlet pass her by, Jennifer Weiner has already weighed in: “Daydream du jour: How awesome would it be if Franzen sat on Oprah’s couch and said he owes it all to The Secret?” she e-sighed. Jennifer, are you actually showing restraint? Or are you just editing yourself, because c’mon, there’s no way you didn’t think of In Her Shoes first.