Go See Some Sukkahs

Shim Sukkah

If you are in the neighborhood it you should probably stop by Union Square to check out Sukkah City. A sukkah, for the unfamiliar, is “an ephemeral, elemental shelter, erected for one week each fall, in which it is customary to share meals, entertain, sleep, and rejoice,” and Sukkah City is:

an international design competition to re-imagine this ancient phenomenon, develop new methods of material practice and parametric design, and propose radical possibilities for traditional design constraints in a contemporary urban site. Twelve finalists were selected by a panel of celebrated architects, designers, and critics to be constructed in a visionary village in Union Square Park from September 19–20, 2010.

My terrible photo here does not do any of these justice. You can find much better images at the Sukkah City website, but you really ought to check them out in person. Hurry up, though, it’s over at 8 tonight.

If I had a better camera/was a better photographer you would be able to tell that this is a log on top of laminated glass walls. It's called "Log" and it's very cool.