Facebook Users Are Very Into Themselves, Even Though They Suck

You do this job long enough you start to feel like you've written these exact posts before, but better and with more energy. Now it's just a lazy joke and out. I don't know, man, what's the point? Some days I just want to kitty blog.

Who uses Facebook? Narcissists with low self-esteem, a recent study out of York University reveals. “According to the researchers, Facebook provides an ideal setting for narcissists to monitor what they look like and how many ‘friends’ they have. People who constantly check Facebook may be lacking in self-esteem, a study found. They also tend to use the site for promoting themselves to friends or people they would like to meet, the study concluded…. There was also a difference between men and women — men promoted themselves by written posts on their Facebook page whilst women carefully chose the pictures in the their profile.”

This is not exactly shocking. This is the Internet. It was made for narcissists with low self-esteem. (And chronic masturbators.) Pretty much everyone who spends any significant amount of time on the web is deeply in love with themselves. Which reminds me: while I have you here, do me a favor and click the little Facebook “like” button down there in the “Share” row. I need all the attention I can get. Thanks!