Do We Know What Grapes Taste Like Any More?


“One of my greatest pet peeves (and a conversation I encourage you to never start with me, because I just go on and on about how much it ‘annoys’ me until you roll your eyes, or at least that’s what my husband does) is what companies get away with printing on product labels. ‘A good source of calcium!’ ‘Boosts childrens immunity!’ ‘Fat free!” (Dude, it’s ketchup.) And especially: 100% juice! (Welch’s). Because I had eaten grapes (tons, actually, in the 9 months before this sock monkey thief came along) and they didn’t taste anything like that ridiculouslessness in the bottle. How do they get away with making such false claims? And then, last week I had my first Concord grape. And guys, it tasted precise like… bottled grape juice (or Kedem, for those of you ushering in 5771 wine-free this week). Have I been wr-r-r- (this word, it hurts) -ong? Is it possible that nutritional claims made on labels might not be universally dubious? Some people read Ayn Rand and suddenly have to reconsider everything they once thought they knew about the world; me, I ate a grape.”
Our Lady of Smitten Kitchen is really procrastinating hard on her cookbook.