Arianna Huffington, American and American Exceptionalist


Greek-born, London-educated millionaire Arianna Huffington explains America in her new book! “We’ve always been a positive, forward-looking people,” she writes. (“She writes”?) From this short excerpt, published, by what machinations I cannot imagine, on her competitor’s website The Daily Beast, we learn that the first four sections of her book, Third World America, are about how ridiculously terrible things have become for the middle class. (She’s got herself covered on HuffPo though: five items about herself.) Anyway, that is true! Then she makes with the Chevy/Levi’s song and dance. AMERICA USED TO MAKE THINGS. For instance, after Pearl Harbor, we made a hundred aircraft carriers. Let’s do that again! My prescription for America is not dissimilar, to be fair. Would more, and better, jobs improve America? Correct. Okay let’s do that!