Where's the Ground Zero Terror Mosque? 39 Experts Explain!

by Jordan Carr

"Yeah, it's not too far from the strip joint"

39. “three blocks from the Ground Zero site in New York” — John Nichols

38. “two blocks from the site where nearly 3,000 Americans were killed by Islamist terrorists on 9/11” — John McCormack

37. “2–3 blocks from World Trade Center” — Yahoo! Answers

36. “mere blocks from the site of worst terrorist attack in U.S. history” — Daniel Halper

35. “two blocks away from where our magnificent towers crashed and burned, easy wafting distance for the Islamic call to prayer” — Diana West

34. “two blocks from Ground Zero” — Sister Toldjah

33.”two blocks from the site of a mass murder committed in the name of Islam” — Ross Douthat

32. “at the doorstep of a site where terrorists invoking the name of Islam killed 3,000 Americans” — Wall Street Journal editorial

31. “so close to the site of the World Trade Center” — Stephen Schwartz

30. “at the site of their most bloody victory” — Debra Burlingame

29. “on the ash-strewn site of 3,000 dead Americans

“ — Jennifer Rubin

28. “next to the site where 3,000 innocent people were murdered at the hands of Islamic extremism” — Marco Rubio

27. “overlooking the site where radical Islamists killed almost 3,000 people in a shocking act of hatred” — Newt Gingrich

26. “next to the site of the worst of the 9/11 strikes” — Andy McCarthy

25. “near this site of reverence and respect for lost loved ones from the attack” — David Vitter

24. “in the site where 3,000 Americans lost their lives as the result of a terrorist attack” — John Cornyn

23. “on that particular site” — Michael Goodwin

22. “so close to the site of a horrific, history-changing act of Islamic terrorism” — Rich Lowry

21. “600 feet from the site of ground zero” — Jeffrey Kuhner

20. “600 feet from Ground Zero” — Dorothy Rabinowitz

19. “right at ground zero” — Rudy Giuliani

18. “at ground zero” — Douglas Murray

17. “on hallowed ground zero” — Pamela Geller

16. “so close to Ground Zero” — Claudia Rosett

15. “over Ground Zero” — Andrea Peyser

14. “ at Ground Zero” — Sharron Angle

13. “at Ground Zero” — Sarah Palin

12. “next to Ground Zero” — Bill Kristol

11. “In the shadow of the World Trade Center” — Abe Foxman

10. “in what would have been the shadows of the Twin Towers” — Rod Dreher

9. “near where the Twin Towers collapsed” — Clifford May

8. “at a place where Islamic terrorists killed more than 2,700 innocent people” — William McGurn

7. “next to the spot where 2,700 people were killed in Islam’s name” — Christopher Caldwell

6. “steps away from where radical Islamists killed 3000 people” — Sarah Palin

5. “on the boundary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks” — David Harsanyi

4. “in proximity to the scene of the worst act of Islamic terrorism — and the worst act of political violence — ever committed on U.S. soil” — National Review editorial

3. “just a stone’s throw away from 9/11’s sacred ground”- Sarah Palin

2. “at the epicentre of the worst-ever attack on the U.S” — Raheel Raza and Tarek Fatah

1. “there” — Barack Obama

RELATED: A Brief Tour Of Defenseless Ground Zero

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