Very Warm Feelings Had About Mike Bloomberg!

Go caw yourself

Hey, I keep forgetting to say nice things about Mike Bloomberg! So here: this week, Mike Bloomberg is an American hero. It’s handy, though, that his position on the 9/11 GROUND ZERO TERROR MOSQUE is actually a pro-business, pro-contract, pro-privacy position. (“The simple fact is, this building is private property,” is what Bloomberg said about the MUSLIM 9/11 MOSQUE.) It’s also an anti-landmarking position, which historically fits him well-and it dovetails perfectly with a pro-”tolerance,” pro-shut-the-hell-up-non-New-Yorkers position. It was an awfully good speech! Filled with the very recent history of religious intolerance! So, I’m a little psycho, what with the constant emotional yo-yoing about the mayor, but this all made me very fond of him. Two of the great things about Bloomberg are that, unlike the entire United States Senate, he’s not a liar, and also he’s very, let’s say, “in touch with his feelings”-so when he goes off on morons, not only do you know he truly believes it but also he really puts his back into it. Good stuff.