That's Who John Boehner Reminds Me Of

Trouble indeed

I don’t have much to say about John Boehner’s ridiculous speech yesterday, the one in which the House Minority Leader “declared that it was time for Obama to sack his entire economic team, because the members are not sensitive enough to the needs of business,” except to point out that it pretty much exemplifies the absolute absurdity of the political world in which we now live.

Boehner himself fascinates me, though. I know we shouldn’t judge on appearances, but just look at the guy! With his love of tanning and smoking-and, you know, good for him-he is the color of something that would provide good camouflage on an episode of “Jersey Shore.” But dressed in one of his customary suits he seems like something designed by the Democratic party to show what they’re up against. Put it all together with the kind of speeches he makes and the word that immediately comes to mind is an old one (which may explain his curious affect; he is an evil of an earlier order): flimflam. The guy makes me think of Professor Harold Hill, but at least Harold Hill was pretending to sell something: Boehner can’t even be bothered to peddle his own fakery. And the saddest part is that he probably doesn’t have to.