Sandwich Sold Surreptitiously

It looks wholesome now, but once she gets addicted to illicit grilled cheese, well...

“I’m worried that I’m getting too busy. I’m instituting a friends and friends-of-friends policy. I kind of want to quit, it’s getting too big, but I want to feed these people…. I don’t know how much longer I want to do it because I’m living in fear. It would be such a stupid thing to get in trouble for.”
-”Ronnie,” an underground grilled cheese dealer, discusses the stresses of his clandestine profession. Also included: a description of how “Ronnie” prepares his illicit wares (“He grills in a pan with unsalted butter, then wraps the sandwiches in tin foil and pops them into a 500-degree oven for a few minutes to achieve maximum crispiness”). Yes. Hello, August!