One Little Robot Is Totally Going To Get Its Face Melted Off

One Little Robot Is Totally Going To Get Its Face Melted Off


“Following in the footsteps of Howard Carter and Abbot and Costello, a specialized robot will penetrate deeper into the Great Pyramid of Giza than ever before. The robot, part of a years long exploration called the Djedi Project, will explore a shaft inaccessible to a previous robot, unlocking a room that has remain sealed for 4,500 years.”
The room was designed to house the soul of the queen of Egypt, once it escaped from her tomb. Unlike the shafts built off the king’s tomb, which led up and out of the pyramid into the afterlife, hers led down to this secret, and undoubtedly quite musty, chamber. Can you imagine how pissed she’s gonna be when her supposedly eternal rest is disturbed?