New York City Welcomes Anti-Muslim Activists


The greatness of New York City will be on full display soon, when we welcome the right of non-New Yorkers like Pamela Geller and Geert Wilders, who want to ban the Muslim faith or at least its books, respectively, and Newt Gingrich, whose thoughts and motivations on the matter seem murky, to have a legal demonstration in Lower Manhattan against the right of Americans to enter into real estate contracts and the right of local governments to make their own laws.

It’s a shame that the few hundred demonstrators are coming on September 11th though.

There will also be spirited counter-rallies by New Yorkers, to ensure that it’s known that not everyone in America agrees that a religion should be banned, and a demonstration on September 12 as well.

In complicating news, Eid al-Fitr-a happy day at the end of Ramadan (which itself is a period not unlike the Christian Lent), when you dress nicely and are nice to other people and wish them the best-falls on September 10 this year.

I truly hope all these people, Muslims and anti-Muslims alike, enjoy spending their money in support of our extremely gay, drug-addled, sexually promiscuous city. Take in a show! Have a ball!