Los Angeles Awl Bawlers Will Be Awl Bawling At Tomorrow's Awl Bawl Tomorrow In Los Angeles

NVC: A writer AND a designer!

A reminder to Angelenos and those who happen to be in the environs: Tomorrow night marks the Official Awl Los Angeles Commenting People’s Good Times Jamboree Get-Together, hosted by DeepOmega and Natasha Vargas-Cooper (credit the multi-talented Ms. Vargas-Cooper for the astounding graphic that accompanies this post). In any event, it’s called for 7 at the Dresden, which some say is in Hollywood but others will argue in that typical LA way that makes New Yorkers seem laid back is in a TOTALLY DIFFERENT NEIGHBORHOOD ALTOGETHER. See you there! (I mean, I won’t see you there, obviously. LA makes me itchy. But those of you who are there will see each other there, and won’t that just be great? I hear there will be a surprise!)