Leave It To Denny's To Figure Out A Way To Screw Up Grilled Cheese

wtf you get chips not fries

I have been wondering about Denny’s Fried Cheese Melt ever since I first heard of the bread/American cheese/mozzerella sticks concoction earlier this week. Why pair American cheese with the mozzerella sticks, and not something more compatible like, say, provolone? Why does the official image of the sandwich make it seem like the cheese within each layer is completely unmeltable, thus food-styling away one of the biggest competitve advantages of the grilled-cheese sandwich as opposed to, say, a BLT? (Hands up if you thought those were chicken fingers inside the sandwich.) Will the marinara sauce have any spice beyond salt in it? And, perhaps most importantly, how would it stack up nutrition-wise against its clear antecedent, the Double Down? Well, that last question has been answered by an intrepid journalist: “CBS News correspondent Jeff Glor reported the cost to your diet is 895 calories and 34 grams of fat.” “Reported!” That makes it sound like dude had to do some digging, which makes me hope that the Mysteries Of Bad Unmeltable Cheeses will be unlocked sometime soon. [Via]