Lady Bosses Bitchy Bitches Who Bitch: Study

I have the Beastie Boys' "Funky Boss" going through my head now and I know it's gonna stay there for HOURS

The Scotsman reports on a new workplace survey with some surprising results: “THE glass ceiling that once stopped women rising to the top of the business world may have been broken but employees of both genders still think that men make better bosses, a new study has claimed. Two thirds of the nation’s employees, both male and female, agree they would rather work for a man than a woman.”

Well, fair enough. And I sympathize with harried journalists who have to write up “studies” which are barely-disguised press releases as news. But you go a couple of paragraphs further and something interesting happens.

The criticisms levelled at female bosses included that they are bitchy, hormonal and incapable of leaving their personal lives at home.

A third of those polled claimed women in charge are “loose cannons” ready to stab colleagues in the back at any time, and who constantly feel threatened by other people in positions of authority.

Okay, it’s a little direct, but fine. Then…

The study also showed 37 per cent believe women make terrible bosses because they can’t help but bitch about senior management and people they employ.

What’s going on here? I mean, it’s jarring, right? Is “bitch” now established as a perfectly acceptable synonym for complain? If I didn’t know better I would almost think that someone has a female boss and he’s working out his feelings about her in his prose. She sounds like a real ball-buster.