Biting Dr. Dre's Idea For His Next Album After 'Detox'


“An instrumental album is something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time. I have the ideas for it. I want to call it The Planets. I don’t even know if I should be saying this, but fuck it. [Laughs.] It’s just my interpretation of what each planet sounds like. I’m gonna go off on that. Just all instrumental. I’ve been studying the planets and learning the personalities of each planet. I’ve been doing this for about two years now just in my spare time so to speak. I wanna do it in surround sound. It’ll have to be in surround sound for Saturn to work.”
Dr. Dre was right. He shouldn’t have said anything about that. Because I am now going to steal his idea, and make my own album based on my interpretation of what each planet sounds like. Since I am not the greatest producer in the history of rap music, or even, any sort of musician at all, my version will have to be a mixtape made up of previously released material available on YouTube. But still, here it is.

Dre was born in 1965, so I know he still thinks there’s nine planets.