Batman (Will Be Sitting On The Toilet) Forever

When I was a naive young lad in second grade one of the more experienced boys taught me this ditty, the tune to which begins similarly to that of the “Batman” TV show theme song but then goes slightly off-course to address the weight of the extended lyrics before returning to the original theme for the big conclusion. It goes like this.

Batman, Batman, Batman
Swinging on a rubber band
Along came Superman
Thought he was the Booger Man
Threw him in the garbage can
Da da da da da da da da da da da da da

I, of course, having not yet been introduced to the sophisticated wordplay of a Cole Porter or Noel Coward, thought this was one of the most delightful musical variations ever invented. Later that evening, however, I was informed by my mother that it was, in fact, quite coarse and unworthy, and I believe I was not allowed to watch TV for the rest of the night which, when you’re 8, is pretty much 25-to-life. So I’ve always had mixed feelings about Batman. But if this video is any indication, it turns out my mom was correct: the dude is a scumbag. I mean, who eats at Taco Bell? [Via]