Americans Don't Think Obama's A Muslim, They Just Think He's Terrible (Like Muslims Are)

“Pew’s analysis also makes a point that reflects what I’m proposing here: ‘Beliefs about Obama’s religion are closely linked to political judgments about him.’ Given that, much of the perturbed commentary that’s followed the Obama/Muslim result is misplaced. When we think of this not as an affirmed belief, but an expression of antipathy, the tortured explanations become unnecessary. The reality is that attitudes, including expressions of ‘belief,’ are influenced by underlying sentiments. With political emotions running high, as they customarily do at times of severe economic stress, it’s a point worth keeping in mind — believe you me.”
-Pollster Gary Langer explains that maybe all those people who think Barack Obama is a Muslim don’t actually think that; they just don’t like Obama and want to express how terrible he is, which they do by claiming to believe that he is a member of the Islamic faith. So we’re all okay then! [Via]