'Times' Blows Lid Off Terror Turkey's Anti-Israel Charity Schemes!


The shady charity that wants to send aid to Gaza, bypassing Israel’s blockade, has “ties” to Turkey’s government and “political elite”! Ties, I say! For instance: “A trustee of the charity, Ali Yandir, is a senior manager at the Istanbul City Municipality Transportation Corporation.” They run the Istanbul ferry system! How shocking that the political “ruling class” in Turkey of all places should be involved in an organization that supports aid to Palestinians. (And how amazing that it seems so unfathomable to Americans.) And that this organization is allowed to donate money to (two!) charities run by the elected political leadership of Gaza! What’s more, according to the Times, there is this “anti-Israel slogan in Istanbul” that “reflects the rift in Israeli-Turkish relations”! How terrifying-a country where people scrawl political slogans on things! In any event, it’s not offered by the Times, but I think the best translation seems like “Israel be damned,” but the verb seems more active than that, hence translations such as “down with Israel.” The Turkish menace! This is no Turkish delight! Was Turkey behind 9/11? They might as well have been, as clearly they hate America and its allies.