The Great Fingering Debate

I'm Team Bang, but don't let that sway you

Okay, the sub-conversation in yesterday’s copy editor story about the correct terminology for fingering has been vexing me all morning. I have always been a strong partisan for “finger-bang,” but I am told that “finger-blast” is considerably more au courant. Is this a generational divide? A regional one? Not knowing, I cannot say. Although it should be noted that one proponent of “finger-blast” favors that locution because he believes it to be more humorous than “finger-bang,” which does indeed carry with it a certain amount of mustiness (and, of course, gravitas) due to its lengthy tenure as the mot juste when one needs to discuss the act of digital insertion. (I think we can all agree that advocates of the little-used “finger-fuck” are disgracefully crude individuals who have no place in this conversation.) In any event, I think it’s time we settle this once and for all. What’s the word, people?

Fingering: Bang or blast? Bang! Blast! Doesn’t matter, I’m not likely to ever be 12 again free polls

Choose wisely. The winner goes right into the OED.