Dour Troubadour Expresses Dismay Over Impending Nuptials Between Harlequin and Chanteuse

Dour Troubadour Expresses Dismay Over Impending Nuptials Between Harlequin and Chanteuse

“He swooned and sighed, ‘Oh, left hand third finger, don’t do it.’ It was just so eloquent and poetic and like one of his songs.”
-There is NOTHING about this article that doesn’t make me sad, and I’m sure it will give Awl pal Maura Johnston a continuing series of aneurysms, but here you go: Morrissey (yes, that one) has supposedly advised Russell Brand and Katy Perry against marrying. Also, Katy thinks Russ is too into Britpop. And a bunch of other stuff. At this point your best-case scenario for optimism is to hope that, like most of the stories in the British tabs, this is somehow made up.