Diet Coke: Younger Than It Looks

It is kind of crazy to think that Diet Coke is only 28! The Frisky looks back on the fizzy drink’s rise and role in the cola wars: “On July 4th, 1982, Coca Cola threw a gala party to herald Diet Coke’s arrival. At the event, the Rockettes shimmied and high-kicked around a 14-foot of Diet Coke can, while waiters in tuxedos passed out Diet Coke on silver trays. Bold-faced names of the time, like Bob Hope, Carol Channing, and Telly Savalas, waved to video cameras at the party, and the footage became Diet Coke’s first televised ad.” (The reminder of Lucky Vanous’ existence is also instructive, and it makes one wonder if he would have a reality show or two were he to rise to prominence in 2010.) [Via]