"Content Screeners" Review 10,000 Baby-Stabbing Porno Images Each Hour


It’s the new nightmare job: ‘content screener’ at one of the outfits hired by MySpace and Yahoo! and Microsoft and the like. Someone’s gotta screen out all that homemade porno and true crime and wife-beating. You get paid between $8 and $12 an hour; somehow, you supposedly click by 80,000 images a day, if you work at Telecommunications On Demand. (Um, that’s 166 images a minute per employee, by the math, which is impossible, but they do claim that their staff of 50 review 20 million images a week. Maybe it’s in big thumbnail batches! But with thumbails big enough so that you can see if any of the pictures are of children being stabbed!) The Internet: destroying lives, one person at a time.