Until Cop Cars Can Fly, The Ground-to-Air 'Transition' is the Perfect Getaway Car

Soon reckless drunken drivers will have a new way of evading pursuant police. Massachusetts company Terrafugia has obtained a special weight exemption from the FAA that clears the way to bring to market the 1,420-pound Transition-a car that can drive on the street, fuel-up at gas stations, and then fold out electrical hinged wings and take to the sky. So with the mere 20 hours of flight experience needed to obtain a light sport aircraft pilot’s license, and the $194,000 that the Terrafugia costs (70 have already been ordered), an attention-deficient booze-hound can speed his or her new ride through stop-signs and around school buses until finding a 1,700-foot-stretch of open pavement, from where to make an air-born getaway. The Transition can fly 460 miles at 115 miles-per-hour before crashing into a deep-water oil rig or a nuclear power plant.