The Obama Speech

An Unfriendly Chat

“The Deepwater Horizon disaster is as organic a product of human processes in the Gulf as Hurricane Katrina was a product of natural processes.” –David Kurtz.

“His words hung in the air with all the force of a fundraiser for your local public access TV station.” –Robert Reich.

“There’s not even a call for the Senate to take up the legislation. The bitter political reality is that Obama doesn’t have enough confidence in the Senate’s ability to pass anything to even suggest that they try.” –”Balloon Juice”.

“It is using this crisis, not letting it go to waste, but to use this crisis to increase the cost of energy! The public, we don’t know where to turn! If we can’t trust BP to be able fix this leak, we know we can’t trust government, because they’ve had eight weeks of overseeing, of regulating and kind of coaching this whole process, this whole issue of stopping the leak!” –Sarah Palin