Sorry You're Hungry, Kids, But, You Know, The Deficit


Coming soon: “About 21 percent of children in the United States will be living below the poverty line in 2010, the highest rate in 20 years, according to a new analysis of children’s well-being released Tuesday.”

Also: “Virtually all the progress made in the family economic well-being domain since 1975 will be wiped out. Families, schools, neighborhood and community organizations, and governments continue to cope with budget cuts and the loss of jobs, producing the anticipated ‘lag time’ in economic recovery.”

Any good news?”Of all of the Key Indicators in the Family Economic Well-Being Domain, the health insurance indicator will be the least negatively impacted by the current recession. The main reason is that health insurance coverage for children is substantially impacted by public programs, such as the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) and other publicly financed health care programs.”

Foundation for Child Development’s study estimates that approximately 90% of American children will have some access to health insurance, which is good, because what with the poverty, food insecurity and emotional trauma associated with continuing parental unemployment, they’re going to need it.