Slutty People Much Cooler With Drug Use Than Monogamous Moralizers

Wagging finger

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have concluded that attitudes about drug use are prompted by attitudes toward sexual fidelity, with those who favor monogamy being more likely to condemn drug use, while those who prefer casual sex tend to be okay with whatever you’re snorting or smoking. Not exactly a shock, but why should that be the case? The study suggests that it comes down the way you’re trying to pass your genes along.

According to the researchers’ evolutionary model, people develop complex differences in their sexual and reproductive strategies. One key difference that creates strategic conflict arises in people’s orientations towards casual sexual activity. The relationships of people following a more committed, monogamous reproductive strategy are put at greater risk when casual sex is prevalent. On the other hand, people pursuing a less committed lifestyle seek to avoid having their choices moralized, forbidden and punished.

The researchers cite prior work showing that recreational drug usage is often associated with promiscuity. The results of the study imply that attitudes against recreational drugs are part of a larger attempt to advance the cause of committed, monogamous reproductive strategies.

Basically, then, all of our drug laws are really aimed at preventing the more fuck-happy members of society from carrying out their happy-fucking ways. I don’t know a ton about evolutionary psychology, but, you know what? I buy it.