Right Now Literally Everyone Is Tweeting Hilarious Hardcore Porn


37,000 times in the last hour alone, people have clicked on a link being spread around Twitter. Prefaces to the video include “U MUST WATCH THIS VID!!!” and there is also a lot of “SMMFH”ing going on. This is the URL going around Twitter, and WAIT, WARNING, the URL being passed around there is EXTREMELY NOT SAFE FOR WORK. (Because there is a lot of penis in it.) Which also makes me think, if it’s so NSFW, wow, why are so many people blasting thousands of other people with hardcore porn, in the middle of the day, without preamble?

The Internet has changed, right?

The video was described to me before I saw it thusly: “It’s an X-rated sort of amateur thing wherein a female talks to her ‘man’ on a cell phone while performing oral services on another man.” This event is said to have occurred during the just-passed Urban Beach Weekend. That is a very concise description. And it suitably prepared me for what I might view in my home office. (Which is usually pornographic anyway, so, I mean, it’s not like I care.)

But it’s funny that, on the same Internet where people get angry if you talk about the plot of Lost 48 hours after it aired, there’s not the same level of outrage over people unknowingly clicking on something that would surely get them fired.

Of course, nobody’s got a job anymore. And also? That’s really the way the Internet should be. It can never be kid- or job- or reality-show-safe. If you go on the Internet, you deserve what you get. Even if it’s a window full of genitalia. Thanks Al Gore!