If You're Not Watching "Party Down" You Can't Be My Friend

Lizzy Caplan, the talented and hysterical actress whose breasts have been the subject of story and song, did Jimmy Kimmel’s show last night and was absolutely charming. She also made some sad remarks about how poorly her series “Party Down” is doing in the ratings, noting that very few people are even aware of it. To which I say: WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? Do they realize they are missing THE FUNNIEST SHOW ON TV? Why are they not WATCHING “PARTY DOWN”? Do whatever needs doing to see it. Don’t get Starz? Find a friend with Netflix. There are two episodes left-the season finale is next Friday-and it seems unlikely the show will return. Lizzy Caplan, at least, seems destined to be around for much longer; the woman does a great Andy Rooney impression. [Via]