'I Am Love' Rolls Out to America


Roger Ebert has weighed in on I Am Love: “It is deep, rich, human. It is not about rich and poor, but about old and new. It is about the ancient war between tradition and feeling. For this role, Tilda Swinton learned to speak Italian with a Russian accent, as Tilda Swinton would, but her performance is nothing as trivial as a feat of learning.” If you recall the rather dazzling trailer, it is pretty luscious and allusive and without a huge amount of narrative, and that is pretty much what the film is like too, only it is, unsurprisingly, much longer! I realize this film is playing in exactly eight theaters in America, which put it 32nd in movie earnings last weekend (well below Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work and Hubble 3D), but it’s rolling out to San Francisco, Chicago, DC, Seattle, Philadelphia, Dallas, Houston and others this weekend. It’s a film that gently nudges you to interpret while also encouraging you to lay back and be inundated with sensuality. Why not give it a whirl? It’s either that or Knight and Day this weekend.