Horror City, "Pain"

Horror City, “Pain”

Very exciting news for rap music fans of a certain age and temperament and affinity for the work of De La Soul or Grave Diggaz or Handsome Boy Modeling School: The great, great, funny, weird, soulful, thoroughly lovable Amityville, Long Island producer Prince Paul has just made public (and for free!) a full album’s worth of material he made with a local MC named Superstar in 1995. The project, which went under the name Horror City, never found a record label, and Paul ended up using some of the beats on his wonderful, star-studded 1999 album A Prince Among Thieves-a “hip-hop opera” that is among the great concept albums ever made. (And not nearly well-enough known.) But now, the original tracks, unearthed. Here is a sort-of medley video Paul made for Prince Among Thieves.
