Graphic BBW Sex Movie Gets Tweeted Wildly With No Warning


Near the end of the work day yesterday, people posting a link to an old video on Twitter caused it to be viewed more than 5000 times in an hour. “No plz! WATCH this” and “Omg this is some funny ish” and of course, that old stand-by, “Yooo watch this lol,” people wrote, as the only warning before disseminating a link to hardcore porn to all their Twitter followers-just as thousands of people recently did with another x-rated video. This is a really interesting development in the history of sharing things on the Internet! Here is a link to the Twitter search page for the video link; clicking on any of the links on that page will take you to graphic images which are not safe for work. (Warning: also, if you then do click through, you can never unsee this video! Eesh.)