Gawker Media Settles Libel Suit: Has Only One Federal Case Pending!


Confederate Motors and Gawker Media have reached a settlement in the motorcycle maker’s libel claim (which is well-described here). It got a little heated along the way! There was a correspondence of the cattiest variety. Wrote the lawyer for the motorcycle maker: “In my opinion, your ability to research ‘journalistic’ sources is equalled only by your ability to research legal proceedings.” Replied Gawker Media: “I cannot be bullied,” etc., pursuing this will be bad for your client, that kind of thing. Love it. And now that they’ve settled? Well! Writes Ben Sheffner at Copyrights & Campaigns: “according to PACER, that leaves only one live case pending against Gawker in federal court: the ‘McSteamy’ naked threesome copyright battle in the Central District of California.” Just one active lawsuit in a federal court for an outfit of, what, nine websites? That’s actually pretty amazing.