And Also What If a Tyrannosaurus Rex Took a Giant Dump on Wall Street?


Here is something commonly called a satire: “In the summer of 2010… an asteroid struck the East Coast. Early warning systems permitted most of the region’s population to be evacuated, so that only a few lives were lost when the meteor fragmented and exploded above lower Manhattan, leveling Wall Street…. While the cloud of dust was still clearing above the flooded crater that had once been Wall Street, in Washington, a bipartisan group of fiscal conservatives, Citizens for Understanding Taxation (CUT), held a press conference and called for immediate, drastic cuts in public spending.” Ohhhkay. Is there anyone else, besides the New America Foundation wonk who wrote this, who needs it explained to them that what happened on Wall Street these last few years was nothing like a random act of an uncaring universe? And that such an attempt, however charming, to cast the stupid political maneuvers of those fatheads in the Senate as therefore nonsensical, doesn’t really, like, add up?