What We Talk About When We Talk About Coming

What We Talk About When We Talk About Coming

Not recommended: "Take it all, clown!"

Each generation needs to learn anew the lessons previously inculcated upon their predecessors, so it perhaps in the spirit of public service for the youth of that that ladysite The Gloss offers up this guide to blowjob etiquette. The moral is simplicity itself: When the receiver becomes aware that he is soon to express his pleasure in the performer’s face, it is courteous that he should so indicate. The Emily Post of hummers suggests uttering a simple phrase such as “I’m going to come,” or “I’m about to come,” but I’ve found that singing a sped-up version of the chorus to Peter Gabriel’s “Here Comes The Flood” is just as effective (although for some reason it does not result in many repeat performances). And don’t forget to leave a tip on your way out, just to show your appreciation. Now you know!